Garrett Loomis Fire Safety and Educational Series
Saturday April 13, 2024
Jefferson Community College
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
It’s Worth the Risk/Tactics Put Out Fire
This year’s presenter will be Chief Curt Isakson who has worked 30 years in the profession with career, volunteer and combination fire departments and in urban, suburban, rural and county wide settings. The 2024 Presentation will include,
● It’s worth the Risk (Understanding the dangers and what kills firefighters)
● Tactics Put Out Fires (Engine Company Operations)
Chief Isakson is a motivational speaker along with tactics and the understanding that aggressiveness does not mean “unsafe behavior”.
This seminar is FREE to all who attend through a grant from the Garrett W. Loomis Foundation and the Northern New York Community Foundation.
Registration is highly recommended however walk-ins are welcome.
Registration Link:
Questions can be sent to TG Kolb ( or any committee member in your area. Robert Kerr, Steve Goodrich, Robert Tennies, Gary Ashline, Roger Brunet or Peter Queior. This seminar is Free thanks to a grant from the Garrett W. Loomis Foundation though the Northern New York Community Foundation.
How the Series Came About
On April 11, 2010, 26 year-old volunteer Assistant Fire Chief Garrett Loomis responded to a silo fire at a local farm. Upon arrival, he observed open doors on top of the 60- foot metal oxygen-limiting silo. He climbed to the top of the silo via a ladder attached to the outside of the silo and as he descended the silo exploded. The explosion caused a section of the ladder to detach from the silo causing Garrett to fall about 30 feet to the ground. Emergency Medical Protocol was initiated; however Garrett succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead at Samaritan Medical Center upon arrival. This educational series is made possible from generous donations to the Garrett W. Loomis Firefighters Fund Foundation at the Northern New York Community Foundation and Jefferson Community College for hosting this event promoting safety and awareness for all those in the fields of Public Safety.
Thank you to our sponsors who make this seminar and all of the Foundations support to the community in Garrett’s memory. A special thank you to the Northern New York Community Foundation for their expertise and guidance to help with the donations collected. All support is greatly appreciated.